You are the awareness above your mind, not your mind itself. Through readings, workshops, videos and exercises, also during our conversations, you will gradually learn to gain ground on your thoughts. You will understand the biochemistry behind emotions and how your brain works. With time schedules, visualizations and simple practices, you will be able to enhance your physical performance, your creativity and productivity.


I make use of the art of balancing stimuli (training) with debidos tiempos de compensación. Tu adaptación y rendimiento mejorarán de manera considerable, sostenible y responsable. Los ciclos personalizados combinan intensidad y volumen, para lograr tu máximo nivel en el momento deseado y lograr todos tus propósitos deportivos. Monitoreo el equilibrio de tu sistema nervioso mediante medición HRV para descifrar el entrenamiento que mejor funciona para tí. Cada atleta es un mundo, yo busco lo ideal para cada uno.


Regardless of your creed, I will give you tools to travel to the essence of your being, your soul. You will connect with it to close the triangle of full life. Through meditation and practical methods of quantum medicine, you will be able to listen to the messages of your soul and become the owner and lord of your life.

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